
Who can use this feature

Live Event Operators, Dedicated Scorekeepers via the "Share Scoreboard" link

Supported features: Live Events


Local Sports Live (powered by Vidflex™) is excited to introduce our new scoreboard that can be used by all Live Event Operators, or to a designated scorekeeper for any live event!

Where to Find Scoreboard

You will find the Scoreboard settings inside the single event view of a live event container under the designated Scoreboard tab.

  1. Log into your admin account
  2. Click on the title of the game you'd like to access the scoreboard of, it is best to use this method if you would like to pre-configure your scoreboard ahead of going live

  1. Once inside the single event view, click the "Scoreboard" tab in the top left hand corner, next to "Live Event Preview"

This will then place the scoreboard interface above the preview player

For more scoreboard options, such as placement, size, and color customizations, click the "Change Layout" button in the top left of the scoreboard

Scoreboard Interface Overview

Scoreboard Definitions

1 Share Scoreboard Used to share the direct scoreboard link to a designated scorekeeper
2 Regenerate Scoreboard Used if the scoreboard display is not updating after making changes
3 View Full Screen Used to change the interface to full screen
4 Scoreboard Display Used to view all changes made, and shows what the viewers see
5 Scoreboard Status Used to toggle the scoreboard on or off for viewers
6 Period Selection Used to update the current period/Half/Quarter of the game
7 Edit Team Name(s) Used to update team names for the Home and Away teams (max 20 characters per team name)
8 Current Score Box Used to set the score for each team by manually typing or using predetermined score addition buttons

How to Use The Interface

1.Share Scoreboard

  1. Find "Share Scoreboard" right above the interface

a. Click on it if you plan on sharing the scoreboard with another user to manage during the event

b. A pop-up window opens to enter an email address to send the scoreboard to

Make sure there are no spaces after the email or an "invalid email" error will show

c. Below is an example of what the email they will receive looks like with the game information:

d. The user who is viewing this email can now click on the "Click here to manage scoreboard" button in the email. This will open the scoreboard interface for them to start using

2.Regenerate Scoreboard

Pressing this button does NOT reset any scores, period selection, or entered team names. It simply refreshes the scoreboard to update

3.View Full Screen

Clicking this button will have the scoreboard interface take up your devices full screen

4.Scoreboard Display

Here you will see a live preview of what the scoreboard looks like to your viewers. At the moment, there is one design for all sports. Unique scoreboard designs for each sports is on its way!

5.Scoreboard Status

Toggling the scoreboard status to "On/Live" will allow the viewers to see the scoreboard on the front end video player. If the toggle is in the off state, the scoreboard will not be visible to the viewers. This should be the last step in your workflow

a. Toggle scoreboard status to the On position

IMPORTANT: When the game is over, toggle the scoreboard status to the Off position before clicking "End" on your event. If the previous scoreboard is left ON, it will show up in the next events live stream.


Your current selection will be highlighted in blue. Choosing an option between 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, OT, will change the period number on the scoreboard

7.Edit Team Name(s)

There is a character limit of 20 and we recommend a 3 character abbreviation of the team name or city for this field.

Clicking this edit pen will bring up a pop up window for you to enter the home and away teams name

Once you enter the team name, click save, and repeat the same for the other team

8.Score Editing

a. Using the four buttons you can either add 1,2,3 or 6 points to each teams score

b. Optional - you can click inside the score field and type in a number and click enter, or just click outside of the number field to save your changes

Theme Options

Underneath the scoreboard interface, you can change the theme of the current scoreboard by clicking on the "Theme Options" drop down menu

Brand Logo

If the site has a brand logo uploaded, this can be toggled on to display on the left hand side of the scoreboard for viewers

Background color

The background color can be changed for Home and Away teams, this will change will reflect on the color behind the Home and Away team names in the scoreboard

Text Color

The text color can be changed for the Home and Away teams, for better visibility, if contrast is needed between the custom background color, and the team name text


The scoreboard can be further customized, as well as some advanced settings, by using the "Settings" drop down menu, underneath "Theme Options"


You can choose where the scoreboard will be displayed for viewers, using the 6 options, first by choosing top(default), or bottom, then either left(default), middle, or right hand side


This will change the overall size of the viewers displayed scoreboard with options for small, medium(default), and large


You can change the resolution to match your live streams resolution, or what you have set in your encoder, either 720p or 1080p.

The scoreboard resolution must match the resolution from your encoder! Mismatching the scoreboard resolution may move the scoreboard off the video player, or make it bigger or smaller

Reset Scoreboard

In the event that the scoreboard is not updating, even after using the "Regenerate Scoreboard" button, or if you would like to clear the scoreboard and start over, you can use the "Reset Scoreboard" button

Please note that this will reset all settings back to their initial values!

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