How to Market Your LSL Platform


If you have a new Local Sports Live platform, and you're wondering how to spread the word about your upcoming and past events, you're in the right place.

There’s several easy things you can do to start sharing your platform. A few of those are utilizing your own existing website, social media platforms and using email lists.

Start off by watching the video below to learn more!

Your Website

Add Link to Header

The first thing you can do is add a link to your platform to the homepage of your website. You can do this in the header or footer. In addition, you can also add links to your league or tournament page.

High school website home page with watch button in the top menu

High school website homepage with link to the tournament page in the header menu

Homepage Banner

Try adding a banner to your homepage that links to your platform. An interesting image can draw attention and build excitement for your event.

High school homepage with a banner linking to video platform

Page Pop-Up

Another useful option to consider is adding a pop-up to your homepage or league page highlighting your platform. It could even link to your next event or recent video on demand.

Popup on high school website athletic page showing a message to watch the next game live

Social Media

There's several things you can do using social media to get the word out about your events.

Link in Bio

First, you can put a link in your bio to your platform and mention that you’re now able to live stream your events.

Instagram profile showing link in bio to video platform


You can add video of pep rallies or behind the scenes footage before your event in Stories.

phone showing an Instagram story with a link to a live stream of a sports game

Post in Social Feeds

Post images in your feed of upcoming events or direct people who may have missed the action to a video on demand.

social media post of football players practicing

Keep your fans interested by live tweeting the action with a link, so they can join in on the fun.

Twitter profile with a post showing the score of the live game

Promo Video

Interested in a promo video for your social media? Contact us now!


Ask for emails from students, parents, families, teachers, players and coaches. They can share video links with their friends and families who might be interested in watching too.

Popup asking for email on high school website

Send Event Notifications

You can start sharing upcoming events and remind them they can watch the action on-demand if they missed it Live.

email campaign showing computer with video platform on screen and reminding the subscriber they can watch games live

Marketing Assessment

Complete our Marketing Assessment Survey to see areas you can improve your marketing and help increase viewership by accessing untapped markets who may be interested in your pay-per-view events.

Remember, There’s no one way to get the word out about your video platform and it can take time to gain traction with your audience. Keep going and trying new things! We’re here to help.

Let’s succeed together!

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